Staff Electric is helping Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra complete their twenty-year journey by moving to their new facility at 212 West Wisconsin Avenue. The $89-million dollar development will open fall 2020, two decades after the orchestra first performed on a makeshift stage at the Warner Grand Theater, testing the acoustics for a handful of sound engineers.
The historical theater space is undergoing a remodel and extension. We are handling all of the installations, to include the fire alarm, electrical, emergency, security, theatrical lighting systems, and more.
Onsite General Foreman, Tom Christman, states that the building’s historical aspect is what makes it as much of a challenge as it is unique.”We’re building backwards,” he states, “because the building with our main switch gear, IT, and AV isn’t even built yet. Instead of building from that point into the building, we’re working from the building out to where that point will be.”
In preparation for this renovation and installation, we conducted exploratory research in an effort to define new pathways from A to B…or in this case, from B to A.
The new facility will be a marriage of modern technology and historic charm, in addition to providing a united space for rehearsals, performances, and administrative offices. We’re about ten-percent complete with the project; however, we can already see it’s shaping up to be an impressive development for downtown Milwaukee.